How to Pray About Abortion.

Today began 40 Days for Life, a now worldwide campaign when Pro-Lifers deliberately pray and fast, conduct constant peaceful vigils at abortion clinics, and host community outreach events to educate and discuss abortion, the women it hurts and the unborn lives it ends.

A few years ago, I was asked how I thought we should pray for abortion, and I wasn't prepared for it. I had not deliberately thought about how we should pray about this unjust practice. Since then I've been editing these general categories we should think in and pray over. 

(Honestly, for me personally, the topic of prayer is very difficult since it is closely related to a philosophical and theological problem I am seriously struggling with right now: how can the doctrine of the sovereignty of God and his divine foreknowledge not imply causal determinism, which seems to be incompatible with any significant moral agency that the existence of the Bible itself implies. More on that later. Nevertheless, repeatedly scripture including Jesus himself tells us to 'always' pray and "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” And not only are we commanded to, but somehow, according to James 5:16, "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." I'm still trying articulate how this could work causally with God's sovereignty and foreknowledge but that doesn't change the situation. As believers we are called to intentionally convey messages to God in the words of John Piper; messages of requests, thanksgiving, praise, confession, and even complaints.) 

So, here are six ways believers can pray about abortion:

1. For Government Authorities pray…

  • That our local, state, and federal elected and appointed government officials who do not know or acknowledge the truth that abortion harms women and takes the life of an innocent human person will have their eyes opened to the truth and their hearts opened to the victims.
  • That political leaders will have the courage and wisdom to pass prudent laws that have a direct and real impact reducing the number of lives lost to abortion.
  • Also, that political leaders will have the courage and wisdom to pass prudent laws that challenge to the Supreme Court rulings that legalized elective abortion.
  • That the Supreme Court rulings that legalized elective abortion (Roe v Wade (1973) and Doe v. Bolton (1973) will be swiftly and definitively overturned.
  • That the Lord will put government authorities in place that recognize how the injustice of abortion harms women and takes the life of unborn humans.
  • That US President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will have their eyes open to the truth about the injustice of abortion.
  • That the 2013 Texas Legislative Session will be successful in protecting women and innocent human life and harming the abortion industry.

2. For The Abortion Industry pray…

  • That the thousands of workers, volunteers, and supporters of the abortion industry will have their eyes opened to how abortion hurts women and takes the life of an innocent human person.
  • That abortion clinics will close because of the lack of demand for their services and the loss of finances from government grants, subsidies, and reimbursements for other services they provide.
  • That any illegal activity, policy violation, or patient neglect will not go unnoticed, but will be reported and prosecuted to the fullest legal extent.
  • That Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Nancy Keenan and the next President of NARAL Pro-Choice America will have their eyes opened to the truth that abortion harms women and takes the life of an innocent human person and that their hearts will opened to both victims of each abortion.

3. For Pregnant Women pray…

  • That the Lord would grant them peace and confidence that there is a Lord who is sovereign over their personal circumstances and a possible unexpected pregnancy.
  • That the Lord would give them courage to bravely go through the struggles and hardships of pregnancy to give their unborn child life and possibly a wanting family an adopted child.
  • That the Lord would give them the provision to maintain a healthy pregnancy and make wise decisions concerning their and their unborn child’s well-being and that they would have courage to seek out help to do this if necessary.
  • That they would have understanding and favor among their husbands, boyfriends, and parents when announcing their news and the decision to protect and cherish the unborn life of their child.

4. For Post-Abortive Women pray…

  • That the Lord would draw them to faith and joy in Jesus Christ who died for the forgiveness of all sins and saves them from guilt and condemnation.
  • That the Lord would give them opportunities and the strength to use their testimony to save and protect other women from making the same dreadful decision of voluntarily ending the life of their child.
  • That they would find a caring community they could share with as well as be edified by and helped to mentally and spiritually recover.
  • That they would have the physical health, mental strength and spiritual peace to conceive and carry to term if they now desire and/or would be blessed by a child.

5. For Churches & Christians pray…

  • That the designer and sustainer of creation would reveal to all believers in Christ through His word the sacredness and importance of unborn human life.
  • That church leaders would have the courage and wisdom to openly speak out against the practice of elective abortion that clearly violates explicit commands and principles in scripture.
  • That Christians would not just give lip service to these pregnant women and unborn lives, but will vote, give their time and resources to pro-life ministries, and would open up their homes to homeless pregnant mothers and adopted children.
  • That Churches will reach out to and share the message of reconciliation with women and men who have been hurt by and feel condemnation over their past sin of abortion.

6. For Pro-Life Organizations pray…

  • That non-profit organizations will have the volunteer and financial support necessary to keep their doors open and phones answered.
  • That pregnancy resource centers have the support, staff, and baby supplies necessary to help women in their community materially as well as helping them realize the truth about their unborn child and the dangers of abortion.
  • That political groups would find favor with elected officials and leaders and that Pro-Life laws and policies would be seen as the most pressing and important issue before legislative assemblies.

The Seago family is seeking to do justice by ending the wrong and violence done to the fatherless, the widow, and those who's innocent blood is shed. One way we will be seeking this is by praying through one of these categories each day until November 4th. I invite you to join us in this deliberate time of intentionally conveying to God these requests concerning the injustice of abortion. 

(Please leave your suggestions and ideas on how we can thoughtfully pray about abortion)


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